As with much of the northwest an arctic blast is hitting our little farm here in Montana. Our large gaurd dog, Dozer, still insists on checking on his barnyard friends even though the temperature is -8, with a windchill of -27. Unfortunately, it is just going to get colder as the day goes on. Tonight we will have -15 temperatures and expect windchill around -50 or -60. We are working hard to keep the livestock safe. In addition to extra hay, this morning we made special treats for the animals to help them keep their body temperatures up.
The Chickens
It might not look appetizing to us, but the chickens loved it! We cooked a big batch of rice and beans for the chickens this morning. Within 30 minutes of the wonderful warm food we got 42 eggs! They are enjoying their coop, with extra bedding. They sure can stir up a cloud of dust!
The Pigs
The pigs got white rice and hard boiled eggs. The warm rice as well as the extra Omega-3 in the chicken eggs help them battle the extreme temperatures. They love the eggs, shell and all! Sometimes I also add coconut oil, but not today.
The Goats
The goats enjoyed a drink of warm water with herbs in it to help regulate body temperature. They enjoyed the treat. They also got some alfalfa pellets which are always a favorite. 😀
The Rabbits
The rabbits are oblivious to the storm, snug and spoiled in their insulated and somewhat heated barn. Even in these frigid temperatures the inside of their barn is about 35 degrees. They received the normal carrots and vegetables treats. This little guy decided it was a good day to pop out of the nesting box. He did seem grateful when I put him back in the box with his litter mates.
I hope you are all safe and warm. Watch out for those critters as Old Man Winter makes his presence know.